Angihotra, also known as Agnihotra, is an ancient Vedic fire ritual originating from India. It’s a powerful practice for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Materials Needed:

1. Copper pyramid (specifically designed for Agnihotra)
2. Ghee (clarified butter)
3. Rice grains
4. Matches or a lighter
5. Timing device (to synchronize with sunrise/sunset)


1. Choose a quiet, clean space for the ritual.
2. Set up the copper pyramid on a heat-resistant surface.
3. Prepare ghee and rice grains.

Agnihotra Procedure:

Sunrise Agnihotra:

1. Calculate local sunrise time.
2. Light the fire 10-15 minutes before sunrise.
3. Add 2-3 pinches of rice grains to the fire.
4. Add 2-3 drops of ghee to the fire.
5. Recite the mantra: “Agnaye Swaha” ( Ah-gnah-yay Swah-hah)
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for 10-15 minutes.

Sunset Agnihotra:

1. Calculate local sunset time.
2. Light the fire 10-15 minutes before sunset.
3. Add 2-3 pinches of rice grains to the fire.
4. Add 2-3 drops of ghee to the fire.
5. Recite the mantra: “Agnaye Swaha” ( Ah-gnah-yay Swah-hah)
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for 10-15 minutes.

Tips and Precautions:

1. Use a timer to synchronize with sunrise/sunset.
2. Maintain a consistent schedule.
3. Keep the area clean and free from distractions.
4. Avoid performing Agnihotra during menstruation or when feeling unwell.
5. Respect the fire and handle it carefully.


1. Purifies the environment
2. Improves mental clarity and focus
3. Enhances physical health
4. Reduces stress and anxiety
5. Promotes spiritual growth


1. Consult Vedic texts or experienced practitioners for guidance.
2. Visit ( for more information.

Remember, consistency and sincerity are key to experiencing the benefits of Agnihotra.

Gram Vikas Society (GVS) creating a World Record by lighting Agnihotra at 10,000 locations, for 100 days
Powered by Universal Knowledge.

This is an unique program and we will join to have a Agnihotra done at 10,000 different houses / offices in and around Karnataka for 100 consecutive days.

How you can be a part of this world record?
If you are willing to participate and have agnihotra done at your house for the next 100+ days, you can apply at the link below;
GVS will provide you with free startup Agnihotra kit, which will include Copper pyramid Bowl, startup material for 4 days worth ₹ 1,250/-.

You will need to have Cow Dung, Ghee and unbroken Rice, which is a daily consumption.

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