Universal Knowledge Upliftment program is designed so that it will help people to live and lead a Healthier, Wealthier and Happier life.

Practicing 21 days of simple tasks will help people to come out of their existing problems, their blockages and the burdens which they normally carry as negative emotions by which lower natured energy is created.

This program will help them to understand their life better by creating a Positive Environment not only for themselves but also for people around them and build good relationships by not entangling themselves with small problems, fear anger and other emotional issues.

This program is not connected to any religion , it deals with only Spiritual upliftment of individuals

Dear Friends,
My name is Hlr.Shammy Shiri.

I am starting the 21days Universal knowledge Upliftment Program on Whatsup from Monday 04.07.2022

Please join the 21 days Upliftment Program on whatsup


🏵️Anyone above 15yrs can join

🌸In this program you will have to complete small tasks which will help you to relax and understand yourself in a much better way.

💮This program is designed by Universal Knowledge Trust® with the help of many masters and gurus and is not connected with any religious sect or organization.

🏵️This is a free program

🌞 A new task will be uploaded every morning in English translated version can also be sent in Kannada, Hindi and Tamil.

For Better practice you can also Join me live in google meet every morning at 6.30 am. For 21 days.

Benefits: you can get rid of old piled up emotions.

*Relaxed and happy feeling.

* Your thoughts will be clear and you will be able to take better and faster decisions.

* Will be able to come out of conflicting and negative emotions.

⏰You will have 24 hrs to complete the task at your free time.

🌼Each day it will take less than 10 minutes to complete the task.

💠Those who have earlier completed this program have already seen tremendous improvement and has also helped them towards their better understanding.

💐 You will also receive E- Certificate after successful completion of this program.


For more information you can also visit the site