An extensive 12 week workshop to understand how works. Do's and dont's, practical classes, course materials and online sessions.

Since it was livestreamed, it has been updated on our sessions page

Due to the lockdown delays, the was completed on July 25th 2020  

The ones who attended at the venue- Theosophical society .

Those who completed the sessions online.

One thought on “Self Healing and Inner Growth”
  1. Subrahamanya says:

    “Life changing opportunity” Yes …. I start with that sentence… I got. To know what is spirituality… Many many traditional techniques were unknown to current generation, either it was hidden or it was tagged as blind belief.. people started to believe only visible stuffs because they lost the ability to see inner engineering. The word Science was defined with wrong statements.
    Because of this class got an opportunity to learn about inner Growth is in our hand and you can live a life without any medical insurance.
    It helped to interact with many who are practicing different techniques and we learnt by the Guidelines of Sri. Rohan Shiri with practical experience.
    Changed my thoughts, Changed my mindset, changed my habits, changed my interpretation. To become spiritual no need to go to mountain even being a Normal person you can become special. Healing is a technic which is ancient and got an opportunity to learn about it.
    The concept is thought in such a way you can learn without any blocks.
    Because of this session I learnt my body very much and it helped to keepe healthy and self motivated toward the betterment of Humanity.
    If you spend time on you definitely it will protect you from all the odds.
    Thank you so much dear Divine for such a wonderful opportunity.

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