Golden Healing Hands Training

Golden Healing hands (GHH) online session October 20′

Golden healing hands are individuals who can channelise energy to provide service to those who need better health and well-being.


Who can receive GHH ?
Anyone who is been spiritually upliftted by attending classes like pranic, reki, kriya shakthi , art of living, Mind Power or any religious upliftment program.

How will I know if i am eligible for GHH?
Once you fill your details , UKS Masters will check if you are eligible and inform you personally within 48 hrs

What is duration of the session?
Training will be held for 6 weeks every Saturdays 4pm to 7pm.IST

What can one person who received GHH do?
GHH is used to serve humanity, to heal human sickness, psychological problem, relationship problems and financial problems.

Can GHH be used for anything else?
Other than humans, GHH can help plants and animals.

What are the benefits of receiving GHH?
By Receiving GHH you will help people, also you will receive three levels of protection package and inbuilt pendulum as gift.

What is the age limit?
Anyone above 20 can receive GHH.

Is GHH connected to any religion?
This is is not connected to any religion, but to true spirituality.

How fast can GHH start Healing?
Once GHH is received there will be practical training sessions to use it. After clearing your training you can use GHH.

How to Apply ? and how will it cost me?

You can apply using the link  we will get back to you within 3 working days ,  GHH is priceless.  But since there are administration expense you may have to pay an honorarium of Rs. 6200/- (Indian’s) $100 for NRI’s once you will receive the approval.