Universal Knowledge Trust ®


Environmental Conclave 2022

First of its kind where Environmental Issues will be a Primary Focus to Build a Better for all of us.

On November 20th 2022 – Madikeri, India.

Experienced Environmentalists and Conservationists from Various Areas will share their Work and Ideas, it will also include Recognition, Awards, and More. Come be a part of this Event. It is all about Building a Sustainable World with our for future Generations to be part of this Conclave.

Listen to Eminent and Interact with over 500+ Participants and Leaders in their Fields.

To Join* and receive an invite Please fill up this *google form:* https://forms.gle/m8ZraiK8ijrRU2Ca6 Alternatively, you can *WhatsApp message* to https://wa.me/message/C6RXI6GT4OERK1 Your interest and our team will revert back to you. *Check out our event:* 1. 📽️ Youtube : https://youtu.be/4WnfKsYzeMs 2. Website 🌐Universalknowledge.in 3. Facebook ⏯️ Register your interest.  https://facebook.com/events/s/environment-conclave-2022-indi/771854333895094/ 4. Instagram:  https://instagram.com/universalknowlg?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Thank you, dear patron. Team UNIVERSAL Knowledge mailto:universalknowledger@gmail.com
Environment Conclave 2022
Universal Knowledge
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