Parivarthan apps

Natural Positive Energy Healing (NPEH) is attune by Universal Knowledge Healers. Parivarthan APP. Parivarthan means Positive change from within. You can use this app if you are ready to experience positive change in your life .

The Healer transfers Positive Energy to the recepient using distance mode. This helps the recipients to get cured faster by relaxing the body, releasing tensions and strengthening the body’s own Immune system. Healing is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bringing the recipient into a state of balance /wellbeing on physical, aura and all the energy chakras .

The app is very easy to use. Sign up as a new user, receive otp and confirm. App User can send request for healing for himself or his family members for Physical health, Mental health, Financial issue, or Relationship issues. Recepients will have direct access with Healer using chat box. You can also send request for your immediate family members who are your blood relatives for their health issues.

Receive daily quotes ,daily routine videos / exercises, breathing patterns / Live classes /PDF on better spiritual development. Various Programs are taught and practiced along with facility to heal through dedicated healers in remote positive energy healing. Some of them are

Upliftment program for 21 days by various healers You will have to complete simple tasks everyday which will take around 10 to 15 minutes of your time to be completed within 24 hours.

Basic Breathing Techniques program conducted by Universal Knowledge Master Rohan Shiri , this program will help you to achieve better health, mentally and physically and live life in Positive Energy,


PARIVARTHAN app is now available for Apple iPhone & iTabs

Scan code to install on IOS phones

This app is supported by universal knowledge trust and team of dedicated healers who provide free unconditional service .

PARIVARTHAN APP for Android and get enrolled in the program

Scan code to install on your Android phone

Contact us in case any issue with APP installation or usage